About Us
the Health Wellness Mattress brand that is designed, researched, and developed by experts in skeletal and ergonomics. It all began with the research findings that the current or previouslyavailable mattresses in the market had excessively rigid or soft skeletal structures, resulting in empty spaces between the structures that couldn't adequately support the pressure and conform to the user's body contours. As a result, users of those mattresses often experienced back pain.
  is a Health mattress brand that has been developed to address the issues of relaxation and alleviate problems related to body posture during rest. It aims to alleviate various issues such as back pain, and muscle tension, experienced by individuals who engage in physical activities, sports enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, as well as patients or the elderly.
The brand of healthy mattresses that are designed,
researched, and developed by experts
in skeletal and ergonomics
It is designed with bell-shaped nodes to help support various joints and relieve pressure points on the body when lying on the Health mattress. This promotes better blood circulation, reduces blood pooling in the compressed areas, and helps alleviate back pain and skeletal discomfort.
The latex used in the Health Wellness mattress has a suitable density and elasticity to support the body's contours in all positions. It can support weights of up to 200 kilograms.
Additionally, the mattress is conveniently rollable, making it easy to store or place on top of an existing mattress.
Good blood circulation is essential for the optimal transport of oxygen, nutrients, and waste removal in the body. Sleep plays a vital role in enabling repair, rejuvenation, and recovery, while proper oxygen fow is a crucial element in the body's healing process. Experience the benefits of enhanced blood circulation and optimal sleep with our Healthy mattress.
The Healthy Mattress. The natural rubber buttons, with their optimal density, offer superb body support from the head, neck, outer spine, waist, and pelvic joints, to the legs. This ensures proper spinal alignment in every sleeping position, providing you with unparalleled comfort and support throughout the night.
Proper support should be able to support the body's alignment in all areas, especially providing good support for the spinal alignment. It should not overly strain the spine as it can lead to back pain.
Immediate heat dissipation from the body is crucial to prevent heat accumulation and moisture retention. Failure to do so can lead to damp, slow-healing wounds, especially for individuals with pressure sores.
Our Products
Spinal 3 - Backpain
Spinal 5 – Normal/ Healthy
Spinal 7 – Elder

Research Study

An Analysis of Pain, Muscle Tension, Quality of Sleep, Satisfaction, and Comfort in the Sleep on Innovative Latex Mattress for Back Patient, Health, and Older and Commercial Latex Mattress 
Mattress has been developed to improve sleep quality and reduce pain which bring a good physical and mental balance. The purpose of this study was to examine the comparison of pain, muscle tension, quality of life, satisfaction, and comfort between innovative latex mattress for back pain patient, healthy, older and commercial latex mattress. One hundred twenty-four participants aged 20 -80 years old were recruited into the current study.

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